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Citizen-led Urbanism
and Co-Design

Tools to design and manage Collective Intelligence processes applied to Collaborative Urbanism.

Collective Intelligence Canvas

This tool will help you to generate an overview of the main elements you have to take into account to activate a Collective Intelligence process.


This tool will help you to generate a planning and visualization of the 10 main stages you have to go through for a collaborative and co-design process.

Civic Realm Framework

With this tool you will be able to deepen the analysis of the actors and dynamics that will have an effect on the process you want to activate, helping you to prioritize.

eBook – first edition

The first edition of the Civic Design Method White Paper has been edited in January 2019. It includes general information on the practice of Civic Design and the explanation of the three tools created by Domenico Di Siena.

Di Siena

With more than 15 years of professional experience working as a consultant, designer, facilitator, activator and researcher, I am a world leader in the practice and promotion of Civic Design.

I’m working on a new version!

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